Would you like a chance to read your published poem or prose piece aloud, under a sparkly spotlight, into a microphone, to the cheery support of your friends and peers? Would you like to hang your photography set or painting or drawings on the wall of a friendly local venue for the world to see?… Continue reading Good Old Pathos, Cool New Tricks: An End of the Year Reading Series
Tag: open submissions
Write, Revise, and Submit to These Ultra Cool Literary Magazines By Dec. 31
Did you miss the Pathos submission deadline for fall? Do you have an unfulfilled New Years resolution to pony up and submit your writing to a magazine or contest? Is there a piece of poetry or fiction that’s moved out of your rattling desk drawer and is now sitting firmly on top of your desk,… Continue reading Write, Revise, and Submit to These Ultra Cool Literary Magazines By Dec. 31