Would you like a chance to read your published poem or prose piece aloud, under a sparkly spotlight, into a microphone, to the cheery support of your friends and peers? Would you like to hang your photography set or painting or drawings on the wall of a friendly local venue for the world to see? Good news, past and future contributors to Pathos! We’ve got something in our works that we hope will both terrify and excite you. OK, OK – we hope it won’t terrify you. We hope that it’ll be exhilarating!
We’d love to host a reading event featuring the work of our 2015-2016 Pathos contributors!
Pathos Lit Mag is hitting the double-digits this year: that’s right, 2016 is our 10th anniversary! It has been an honor to contribute to the vibrant creative scene on the Portland State campus, and to serve our fellow student-artists and student-writers for a full decade. Our student staff and volunteers are continually humbled (and delighted and astounded) to find the Pathos stands running low week after week, sometimes less than a day after we replenish them with new reams of the magazine – it’s a sure sign that the great work in Pathos is being recognized widely and frequently.
To honor our mission to showcase the work of PSU students as we forge ahead into our tenth year, we would love to offer our contributors this opportunity to share their own work in their own voice. If you haven’t submitted to Pathos yet, there’s still 4 weeks left to make it into the Winter 2016 Issue – our online submission form awaits you!