Pathos is a literary magazine in name and in shape. We publish a beautiful, colorful print magazine thrice-yearly, and they are available for free in most of the buildings on our lush urban campus. As the official literary magazine of Portland State, our mission is to serve our community of fellow students by encouraging and supporting the creativity and hard work happening all around us all the time.
Like most literary magazines, Pathos contains all of the usual suspects: poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, all kinds of visual art. These types of work are our bread and butter, the backbone of our student-focused literary publication. We’re here to showcase the finest creative work of PSU’s students – and if that includes something that you don’t see on our list of submission guidelines, let us know what’s up!
If you’ve been working in an innovative, complicated medium or creating a form of art that doesn’t seem to lend itself to easy publication in a literary magazine, don’t give up hope. Pathos also publishes a digital issue each term and we’re always interested in finding ways to be better platform for you to share your best work. If that involves some innovation on our part, we’re ready for the challenge and eager to work with you to build a brighter spotlight for the student-artists of Portland State.
Challenge us! We dare you.
Stuff we’ve heard of that Pathos is accepting for Fall 2015:
Poetry: metered, free verse, spoken word, and more
Fiction: flash fiction, short stories, novel excerpts
Non-fiction: personal narratives, interviews, articles, essays
Reviews: music, books, film, events
Visual art: drawing, painting, graphic design, prints, photography, multimedia