Sophia is a sophomore double-majoring in English and Spanish at PSU.
Q: What inspires your art the most?
A: Looking for extraordinary things in everyday life and noticing the small details of everyday happenings.
Q: How do you go about transforming an idea into a finished project?
A: I just spew everything I feel about the idea, whether or not I really like it or if it makes sense. Later, when I’m feeling calm and coherent, I clean it up.
Q: What is your favorite book?
A: The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.
Q: What projects are you currently working on?
A: I’m currently writing a short story about life in the Catholic church. I’m also writing a series of women-centered fairy tales.
Q: What are your goals?
A: To write stories that give people hope in life. And to tap into the childlike wonder that everyone has, through literature.