A Woman Seeing by Devan Martin Untitled Artwork by Ana Duarte Seattle by Avery Panganiban
Writing Prompts of December
Sure, it’s January, but better late than never, right? Who said holiday gifts couldn’t come a little behind schedule? We’re bringing in the new year by staying a consistently late publication! Please enjoy these December themed writing prompts as you reflect on the fact that it is already the 3rd week of January. We can’t… Continue reading Writing Prompts of December
Submissions for Winter Term are Open!
Hello fellow PSU students! We here at Pathos hope that everyone had a great Winter Break. We know that we certainly did as we celebrated the release of our much anticipated Fall issue. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to express how thankful we are for the opportunity to read your incredibly poignant… Continue reading Submissions for Winter Term are Open!