Welcome to Winter Quarter! The perfect season for bundling up with hot coffee and an infinity scarf and cramming to finish all the work you need to get done. The staff here at Pathos Literary Magazine is excited to kick off a fresh quarter filled with fun events, community building, and the creation of a beautiful new issue of our magazine. We hope you all had a fantastic winter break, filled with love, laughter, and joy, and wish you all a successful, productive, and fun quarter. Chat with us at Party in the Ballroom in the SMSU Ballroom on Thursday, January 17, 2019, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. As always, feel free to submit up to three pieces for publication in our mag or on our blog, ranging from poetry (sonnets, haikus, spoken word, etc.), fiction (flash, short stories, novel excerpts, etc.), non-fiction (biographies, narratives, essays, etc.), reviews (on music, books, films, events, etc.), or visual art (drawings, paintings, graphic designs, comic strips, collages, embroidery, prints, photography, or short films). Submissions for the winter magazine are open NOW and close WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23RD. Submit written work at https://pathoslitmag.com/submit/. Submit visual work by emailing it to pathosliterarymag@gmail.com.