Daniel is in his last year at PSU, duel majoring in English and German. “Dies ist mein letztes Jahr an PSU. I habe zwei Hauptfächer, Englisch und Deutsch.” Q: What is your favorite book? A: It changes over time, and there is never only one. I have a strong affinity for John Steinbeck’s Cannery Row (John Steinbeck in… Continue reading Spotlight On: Daniel J. Nickolas
Category: Uncategorized
Spotlight On: Vinu Casper
Vinu is in the Masters’ program in the computer science department, and is wrapping up his final year here at PSU. Q: What is your favorite book? A: Hands down, my favorite book is The Telling Pool by David Clement-Davies. It has all the grit to seem real, with just enough of a hint of… Continue reading Spotlight On: Vinu Casper
Spotlight On: Henry Apgar
Henry is a visual artist studying Graphic Design as a Sophomore at PSU. Q: Who or what influences and inspires your art the most? A: There are endless sources of inspiration and influence, it’s hard to narrow it down! I think what truly got me interested in drawing came from a love of comic artists… Continue reading Spotlight On: Henry Apgar