Marlon Brando, My Father by Kurtis Matthew Youwerethe Wild One.Your namewas Stanley.I spent monthstrying to recreatethat cat soundyou make whenyou introduceyourself toBlanche.What I’mwondering is…Did you reallysleep withRichard Pryor?Did he biteyour neckand give youhickeys? Howmuch was carnaland how muchwas intimate?Were therewhispered words?Is there photographicevidence? Youhave becomemy father,in the cinematic sense.I owe much of mysensitive charismato you.… Continue reading Online Art Gallery: Volume 27
Online Art Gallery: Volume 26
A Waterfall of Mercy: Ecocriticism in Toni Morrison by Mikhaila Bishop When reading any literary work, many critical readers regard physical environment as mere setting. Examinations of ecology in literary works attempt to understand humanity’s relationship to natural forces. Water is often undervalued as a literary device, even in ecocriticism, but in Toni Morrison’s novel… Continue reading Online Art Gallery: Volume 26
Online Art Gallery: Volume 25
Fish Mouth by Elle Klock I dress for therapy this morning pulling shirts from the closet and then throwing them on the floor. I settle on a beat up white t-shirt with denim jeans, tattered holes dotting the legs so parts of the tattoos covering my thighs peak out. I hope this reads: don’t look… Continue reading Online Art Gallery: Volume 25