Things that could get published in Pathos this Winter:

  • a story you made up
  • a story that was a true story
  • a doodle on the corner of your Spanish worksheet
  • a photo of your dog
  • a photo of plants
  • a doodle on your year-old Powell’s bookmark
  • a review of the newest album you bought and won’t stop playing even though one of the speakers on your CD player is broken
  • a poem you wrote about your ex
  • a poem you wrote about the ocean
  • a poem you wrote about spaghetti
  • a photo of spaghetti on a pretty dish next to red wine in a pretty glass
  • a painting of a bowl of fruit sitting on a green couch
  • a dialogue of the conversation the couple next to you in the cafeteria was loudly having
  • a creative masterpiece you made that you’re too scared to show anyone else

But seriously, Pathos accepts a wide variety of creative work. Don’t limit yourself! Experiment! Try something new. When was the last time you tried something for the first time?

You could, but are not limited to, submit…

Poetry: sonnet, haiku, free verse, metered, spoken word, all forms

Fiction: flash fiction, short story, novel/novella excerpt

Non-Fiction: biography, creative narrative, interview, personal narrative, article, essay

Reviews: music, books, films, events

Visual Art: drawing, painting, graphic design, comic strip, collage, embroidery, prints, photography, multimedia (even creative video/film submissions we could publish online)

Submissions for our next print publication are open NOW. Submit written work at or submit visual work by emailing